Who is Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Salam?
Abi Izz |
Name: Muhammad Izzhakimie bin Mohd Ibrisam
Birthday: 26 December 1998
Education: Studying in IIUM
Goals: I want to be an expert in Islamic finance.Abi Izz is the tittle of the scholars that I am interested in.
So who is Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Salam?
In the history of this ummah, a scholar was born in Damascus, Syrian named Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Salam al-Sulami al-Dimasyqi al-Misri al-Syafie, he was known as al-Izz or Izzuddin bin Abdul Salam. He was nicknamed the Sultan of Ulama 'and the Rulers of the Kings. He was born in 577H and died in Egypt in 660H.
When discussing about "الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر", we will remember a history that took place in the 7th century, the firmness and courage of a scholar who woke up against blatant misgivings. As was done by a friend of the Prophet r, Abu Said al-Khudri against Marwan bin al-Hakam who was the Caliph at that time. This event takes place on a Eid (Hari Raya). When Marwan wakes up to preach the khutbah before the al-Eid prayer, Abu Said al-Khudri immediately pulls it down and remembers that the sermon sunnah is after prayer. Marwan replied: "The Sunnah has been abandoned."
Here is an event that demonstrates the firmness and courage of al-Izz in opposition to evil:
When in Damascus, there was a dispute between the Damascus government, al-Saleh Ismail and the Egyptian government, Najmuddin Ayyub. When al-Saleh was frightened by Ayyub's threat, he had made an alliance with the disbelievers of Salibiyyah to help him against his brother Ayyub by promising some states and areas to the Salibiyyah. This incident took place in 638H. He even gave permission to the Salibiyyah troops to enter Damascus and buy weapons to fight the Muslims. Upon this news came to al-Izz who was a preacher and the Mufti Damascus at that time, he continued to issue a fatwa of illicit selling weapons to them. He then climbed the mosque of the al-Umawi Mosque condemning and criticizing al-Saleh's actions, which is a major betrayal of Muslims. He no longer prayed for the sultan in his sermon, but prayed with prayer indicating that he had withdrawn his bai'ahnya (devotion). At that time al-Saleh was outside Damascus. When this news came to him, he continued to issue al-Izz's removal from the post of Khatib and Mufti of Damascus and ordered that al-Izz be arrested. He received his deportation quietly and willingly sacrificed to uphold the truth and prevent evil.
After being released from prison, al-Izz decided to go out of Damascus and head to al-Quds, Palestine. Then arrived al-Saleh Ismail with the Salibiyyah army who was on his way to Egypt. While in Quds, he sent a representative to meet al-Izz and persuaded him to come to the sultan and kiss his hands. If he does, he will be returned to his original post. Al-Izz emphatically replied: "O poor! I never let her kiss my hand, how could I even kiss her hand? "The messenger replied:" If you do not accept this suggestion you will be arrested again. "Al-Izz replied:" Make what you like. " -Izz was arrested again and locked up in a tent near the tents inhabited by the sultan and the head of the Salibiyyah army. At night the sound of al-Izz sounded the recitation of the holy verses of the Quran and remembrance. At that time, al-Saleh Ismail told the Salibiyyah leader that this was the 'clerk who was arrested for refusing to cooperate with him. "He was arrested for your sake", his story is proud. The head of the Salibiyyah army instead replied: "Had this scholar been in our religion, we would wash his feet and drink the water." After that came the Ayyub army from Egypt and defeated the army of al-Saleh Ismail and his ally Salibiyyah. Finally al-Izz was released and taken to Egypt.
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